ACADEMIC AND CULTURAL ENRICHMENT This ministry includes Educators' Recognition, Summer Math Program, Scholarship Committee, and the Academic Recognition Committee. The mission of this ministry is to promote an environment enriched with activities designed to cultivate good behavior, improve the value of life and promote educational proficiency. ADULT MINISTRY This Ministry includes Couples, Men's (MEMIC), Women, and Senior (NTO) Ministries. The mission is to provide the various adult age groups, throughout our church, an opportunity to learn about the Word of God and apply his/her teachings to their everyday life. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION MINISTRY The Christian Education Ministry exist to glorify God by pursuing excellence in all that we do and teach for the expressed purposes of winning souls and leading each member to become a fully committed, fully equipped, and completely devoted follower of Jesus Christ. This ministry includes Sunday School, Discipleship Training, Vacation Bible School, Antioch Connection (Placement Ministry) and the church Historian committee. MASS COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY This ministry is to initiate activities that will enhance the overall church-wide and community communications initiative through: design, development and delivery of creative media solutions that support Pastor Ward's mission of the church events, conferences and services. This ministry is set to initiate and implement methods that will be beneficial in increasing church attendance, membership and reaching the saved and unsaved through the "Word of God." Our focus is to promote out, to bring in new souls to Christ. OUTREACH MINISTRY This ministry's mission is to reach the unsaved worldwide and share the Word of God and show them the way to Christ Jesus. PERSONAL SUPPORT AND DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY This ministry includes Career Advisement, Collegiate Consultation, Toastmasters, Social, Legal and Financial Advisement and Health Management. The purpose of this ministry is to serve as an extension in the enhancement of the existing ministries and to provide a source of information for specific issues. WORSHIP AND PERFORMING ARTS MINISTRY This ministry includes the Bulletin Committee, Mass Choir, James C. Ward Choral, Praise Team, Dance and Drama. The purpose of this ministry is to enhance, uplift and praise our Lord and Savior during the Worship Service, and other events through song, dance and drama. WORSHIP SUPPORT MINISTRY This ministry consists of the Greeters, Nursery, Nurse's Guild, Ushers, and the Wedding Coordinators. Our purpose is to assist the Pastor in whatever capacity to provide a safe, orderly, and reverent worship service for God's people. |
Antioch-Lithonia Missionary Baptist Church
2152 Rock Chapel Rd. | Lithonia, GA 30058 | PH: (770) 482-1277| FAX: (770) 482-1584